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Redesigning the mobile experience to improve TV customer conversion

Android mobile app to improve the CDC's existing travel tools

Designing the LinkedIn for the outdoor adventure industry

Client sites built via my independent business, Sailor Sky Design

Android mobile app to improve the CDC's existing travel tools

Project Scope

Two-week concept project collaborating with two fellow UX designers to accomplish two goals: 1) Combine two of the CDC's existing Android apps into one while 2) Increasing the app's effectiveness as both a pre-travel planning tool and a tool used while abroad on both phone & tablet, while maintaining material design standards.


My role - User tester & interviewer, UI/UX designer, project manager, graphic designer

The Problem

The major problem needing to be solved was combining two existing apps that were both vague and limited for travelers in order to increase functionality and usefulness while maintaining the CDC's brand. It was also important that the single app be useful in two phases of one's travel: As a planning tool prior to a trip and as a real-time, on-the-ground tool when in a foreign country.

The Process

  • User research & interviews

  • Competitive analysis

  • Creating personas

  • High fidelity wireframes

  • Usability testing

  • Journey mapping

  • Graphic design (custom logo)

What the Research Told Us

Our primary users fell into two categories of traveler: Uber planners/worriers and thrill seeking, spontaneous adventurers, so our challenge was to design useful solutions for both groups. 

We thought we'd have to "hide" the CDC brand based on assumptions that travelers felt fearful of their alerts and warnings, but in fact users felt the CDC was a trusted source of information. 

Very few competitors in this space provided a one-stop-shop type of solutions so we had a lot of creative freedom to design our app without overlapping something already being done.  

The Muck



We began the process by interviewing 10 avid travelers. We then conducted a competitive analysis of existing travel planning tools plus did an extensive analysis of the CDC's existing apps we'd be combining: Can I Eat This and TravWell. We then took all of this information to complete an affinity diagram to notice trends and began our initial sketches. 



Our research also led us to create two personas to centralize our thinking around our two main users. One, the major planner/worrier who uses planning tools to keep track of everything before a trip (i.e. Sara) and two, the spontaneous travel who prefers to wing it (i.e. Doug). 

The Lessons Learned

Design standards matter! I have an entrepreneurial spirit and enjoy building things. Because of that, my instinct at times is to create from scratch vs. use existing tools. I need to adjust that habit quickly! Before adhering to material design standards, I admittedly designed my own first then went back and adjusted to fit the standards though I know I did that backwards. 

Collaborating is fun! I had the chance to work with two colleagues and we all had very different ideas, approaches and strengths to bring to the table. It was great practicing when to sit back and when to jump in and lead. Our final product was better because of our great dynamic. 

The Solution

Designed app based on material design standards for both phone & tablet

Dramatically increased functionality & number of features to improve usability

Integrated GPS, translate and other tools to leverage useful technology

Final Designs

High fidelity wireframes completed using Sketch

Click on the screens to see them individually in more detail. 



Click on the screens to see them individually in more detail. 

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